
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

One year Blog-aversary

Welp, ladies 'nd gents it's been exactly one year to the day and honestly I almost forgot all about it. In the past year I think I have improved in certain areas I still have more strides to make in the next coming year. I used to just think that it was so dang easy, it would all just come to me, and I would have at the very least one post a week. I have yet to accomplish a set schedule but through these bumps and trials I realize that it all doesn't matter. I have become increasingly happy as I go along and think that my inconsistencies are nothing to be ashamed of. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other people out there with the same issue. But there is one thing that I am super proud of...staying with it for this long. And I hope to stay with it longer. I still have things I want to post and I feel like I want to get a little more personal with you all. I need to learn to be less shy and just be brave for once. Just to stop caring about being judged for what I write, and less ashamed of how I look. So I hope to include more pictures of my face for once and just get over being so picture shy.

For me, being shy about taking pictures is like me learning to swim. You see, I fell into the pool when I was young and had to be rescued which traumatized me. Top that with teenagers at the pool splashing water in my face while I tried to learn after that experience made it worse. To this day I still cannot swim with my face underwater but I can sure as heck dogie paddle. It took me 6 years of trying (yes, I'm that lame) to do so though. So these baby steps here on my blog are the equivalent of me floating in the shallow end thinking I could drown at any moment. But it's seriously time to take back my life and just be more confident. That Is what I will trying to do this whole next year on the blog. Hopefully if there is anyone out there who is like me I hope to serve as a small peice of inspiration and if you're on the same path I hope you share it with me and I can find inspiration from your journey as well. 

P.s. - I promise not to make my blog into some sappy "I want you to feel sorry for me" bull. I just feel this whole thing needs some more of me and my personality up in here. Oh, and maybe some gin cocktail recipes or cocktail recipes in general on here. Gotta live up to the name! 


1 comment:

  1. Love this blog xx Long may it continue!


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