
Friday, May 23, 2014

Go VoxBox from influenster Review*

Awwwww man...I didn't think the day would come where I would get an invite from Influenster again. Last box I hated so I literally did nothing with it here on the blog. When you don't do anything it really counts against you and yet, here I am. A new box here for me. But this time, it's something I like. I think the only thing I am not 100% excited about is the tampons. I only use the super ones and for the rest of the week only need panty liners for spotting. Though I have wondered what the heck is the difference between these "sport" and regular ones. I have never had a problem doing physical activity wearing my normal ones so I guess I never saw the point in using these. That plus I never have the urge to step foot in the gym when I'm being a menstrual psycho. 

Enough of this TMI sesh though, seriously before I scare any readers away. But the one thing I am most excited about is the Jaxx Next Step Shaker. I have been looking at those blender bottles for awhile so now I don't have to go out and buy one. Score one for me! It also came with a couple samples of the Fit n' Full shake in three flavors. I might try the vanilla one first and hopefully it tastes good. There is no fake sugar in it, just stevia which I am super happy about. As someone who really hates chemically created sugars because
A) They're not even good for you
B) They have that funky after tatse no matter how little there is of the stuff
C) Why not just cut out sugar or reduce your portion if you're so worried???
So super excited to see how they taste and if they make a difference in how hungry I feel in the morning. It says to mix with water but that just sounds funky so I will end up subbing the water for almond or soy milk. 

The nuts don't sound so strange to me flavor wise. I bought a pack of chocolate covered almonds last week to satisfy my crunchy food/chocolate urges in a healthy way but ended up didn't liking them because they contained the fake sugar. Damn you fugar, damn you....These ones do not have the fake sugar in them so I am grateful for that. I am hoping that these taste amazeballs, cross your fingers for me. I also got a coupon for a free Muller yogurt and will be looking out for the Greek yogurt in the store. 

Why oh why do I always get shoe insoles??? I have gotten about 4-5 shoe insoles to test in the past year but at least thy have all been different. These ones from Pro Foot are probably best for workout shoes or any kind of sneaker. I like how the front doesn't go all the way to the front and I don't have to cut it. Anyone without freakishly tiny fairy feet like mine would probably hate that though even though they are a "one size fits all thing. Hopefully they don't crowd my toes in my gym shoes because I definitely need the extra arch support. 

I also got a foot stone which feels more like a sponge that I can't wait to try and will definitely get its own review in the future coming weeks. Accompanying all this foot love is a jar of bath salts of the non snorting variety. I had gotten a tube of a chamomile lavender lotion in my Glossybox recently and saw that that or the salts were the options and was torn on if I wanted another bottle of the lotion or if I would be happier if I got the bath salts. I really liked the lotion and would not have minded getting another one as a backup. But I was still happy getting the bath salts because soaking in the tub with a glass of wine is my ideal way to unwind after a hard day. 

So that's all that came in my box this time. You will be seeing some reviews of these products individually and will let you know what I really think about them. I am definitely not one to give a rave review because I got something for free, I'm just glad I didn't pay for a piece of junk and let you know not to waste your own hard earned moolah. I will leave asterisk* on the blog title and a disclaimer down below to let you all know that I have received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes. If you want an invite to Influenster just email me with an email address to send it to you. It would give you more points showing you have "influence" therefore a higher likelihood of getting picked for boxes. 
Let me know if you have any questions or comments down in the comments below. 


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hot weather makeup essentail - Covergirl Nature Luxe Waterproof Mascara

Covergirl Nature Luxe Waterproof msacara, mascara, waterproof mascara

The question has been asked over and over and time and time again...what makeup product would you bring with you on a deserted island? I believe that mascara has been pretty much up top on that list every single time. As for myself, assuming that I get sunscreen as a default, mascara would be one of my essentials I would take on that island.  With so many brands with promises of longer, fuller lashes ranging from high end to drugstore it can get kind of intimidating to sort through them all. I have this thing where I really don't understand the appeal of buying a $20+ mascara. Like, really? It's only good for a month or two then you have to throw it out because of the bacteria that builds up in it. I have gotten a couple samples and full size through sub boxes and the only one I think is worth it is the Diorshow.
Sorry, not sorry.

Covergirl Nature Luxe Waterproof msacara, mascara, waterproof mascara

I have been a fan of Covergirl mascaras since high school and found the formulas to always be not too wet and not too dry. Just perfect enough to keep a curl and they usually do what they claim to do. When I saw this mascara in Big Lots for $3.50 I really wondered why I never thought to go for it before. Was it too pricey when I saw it sitting in the drugstore? Was I too obsessed with a different mascara at the time? I have no clue. But since it was so cheap and waterproof to boot I thought I would give it a whirl. 

Covergirl Nature Luxe Waterproof msacara, mascara, waterproof mascara

I picked it up in the only color they had left, black brown. I normally get a black or preferably blackest black. I can make it work, I'm sure I can. And I did. 
I think the color is just perfect when it is just too hot to wear any makeup at all. It makes my lashes look thicker and they stay curled all through out the day without melting off. Sometimes I find just putting on a black mascara when my face is neked just looks a little too costumey or like I am trying to hard. I prefer this because it gives me the "I wake up like this every morning" look. I just curl and swipe once or twice and my eyes look open and awake. 
It really is a game changer for me. I really wont turn my nose up a brown mascaras again because right now with the 100 degree freak weather we have been having I'm too lazy to care about anything else but looking like I didn't spend all night tossing and turning in bed because it's hot. 
What I am most sad about is that I don't think they even make this mascara anymore and I really wish I didn't have to start this relationship knowing it can never last. I have seem some listings online for purchase but on the official Covergirl website this thing doesn't exist. My luck and timing just sucks. So after I finish this I will be on a new journey to find something that can give me the same look as this does. 

So I have included a poll asking what you would take on that deserted island. It's so cliche I know but I included an exciting answer choice. I was inspired by a comment from an article that had a poll and have been itching to do a poll since then just to include this option. 
I hope you all appreciate the "I don't give a damn" as much as I do. 
It's an option, I won't be offended if you use it.


What's the one makeup product you would bring on a deserted island? free polls 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Graze Box Review

I think I had heard about graze box somewhere on Facebook in those stupid ads they started showing but never gave it much thought after that. Then when my sister told me I could get my first box for free with her referral code I was like "WHUT?!!" It was %100 free. No shipping charge was added because it was free either. But yes, first box and 5th box are free and regular price is $6. you can choose to have it delivered every 1, 2 or 4 weeks.But you could totally set it to send every 4 weeks then after your free box ships just cancel the account. My mom and my sister both did that. 

But what is Graze box? it is a snack box featuring individually portioned snacks. You can log onto your profile and they have the option to say whether or not you like a product or not or what I used the voting for is to say I hate everything with coconut in it because I hate coconut and because sometimes I get a little itchy from eating the coconut meat/flakes/shreds. But if you are someone who is allergic to everything this box is definitely not for you. I also used the voting system to say I hate anything with wasabi because wasabi is the devil. 

This is the only thing in my box that I still have not eaten. I really like popcorn but I always just forget I have it there. I really gotta crack open this bag soon. 

The toffee apple dippers were my favorite thing in this box. I am totally in love with how sour the granny smith apples were and the sauce wasn't too sickly sweet. It was just the perfect combo. And only 66 calories. I just wish it was bigger.

I am really not a fan of all BBQ sauces at all. I hate when they're just too sweet or just taste ketchup-y. This one was sweet (yuck) but smokey (yum). I was just glad I only had to dip the baguette crackers in them and it wasn't on any meat product. Overall it really wasn't my cup of tea. 

I really love nuts as a snack and I hate how some of them get a bad rep for being fatty. A coworker claimed he won't eat pistachios because they're just too fatty but he will go out and get McDonalds. It makes no sense. NO SENSE. 
I worry more about sodium content than calories or fat content. I can always eat a smaller portion and go work it off in the gym. It's harder to reverse the damage of eating too much salt. 
These nuts were not too salty, perfectly roasted, had great flavor, and kept me satisfied. 

All of the snacks came with a pamphlet containing nutrition information and the expiration dates. On the other side it contains your referral code to give to your friends and family. I like the fact that you can get a dollar off your next box or if you're the giving type you can choose to donate it to their charity that uses it to teach farming skills to people in rural Uganda.
The box itself keeps the products protected and is also recyclable. The little plastic containers are recyclable as well or they suggest using them nestled in the box and use it as an herb garden. 

Overall I like the concept of delivering properly portioned snacks to your door. It just makes you think about how portions really have grown out of control and to eat smarter. I really think it's a little too pricey for me to keep for too long and I will cancel the box sometime soon. I really would rather get some yummy organic snacks from Whole Foods or Trader Joe's has some great stuff that isn't pricey at all. I just like to be guaranteed that I get stuff that I like to eat. But now I will be more conscious and think about what is a proper portioned snack. 


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday is for Shoe Lovers

target sandals, sandals, leopard print sandals

It's been disgustingly hot here in Socal and thought is was time to finally up my sandal game a bit. I really only had a couple pairs of flip flops and 2 other pairs of busted up sandals from years ago. They're the really cute strappy kind but honestly its a pain to wear them and get those funky tan lines on my feet. I feel in love with a different pair at Target and was hoping to get my grubby paws on those but like anything good, they went faster than I had hoped. Finding a size 6 in women's is usually my main struggle shopping. Anything cute in my size just doesn't exist. 

target sandals, sandals, leopard print sandals

target sandals, sandals, leopard print sandals

So I found these and were literally the last pair in my size in this style of all 3 colors they had and was on sale. I mean, c'mon guys, they were only $15. It's always a sign you should buy it if it's the last one in your size on sale. That's why we all go broke, right? I know I'm not the only one out there. 

target sandals, sandals, leopard print sandals

Lucky me. I really hit the cute sandal jackpot on these. Plus they look cute with my smeared and jacked up nail polish. But you all can forgive me for having a ratchet looking pedi, right? The color is Essie's Peach Daiquiri, and I ended up getting a daiquiri that same night after buying it. I believe they named it this to give the subliminal message to go out and buy boozy blended drinks with stupid little umbrellas in them. Damn you Essie, damn you....

target sandals, sandals, leopard print sandals

And you all can excuse the fact I need to shave my legs, right? Right? NO?!!
 Okay fine. I was just trying to get real with you all and show you my oh-so glamorous lifestyle. ;)

I ended up wearing these shoes out with just a simple floaty navy blue top and my distressed denim jean shorts to my boyfriend's niece's birthday party. Another good way you could probably wear them is with maxi dress in a solid color and some Aztec style jewelry. You can easily throw on a black fit and flare style dress and some gold jewelry, and a clutch for a casual dinner or maybe some cocktails out. Or at least I would because I have never been much for heels. 

So I am happy I am ready to stay cool during the summer and these might make an appearance at the office if it gets hot enough. As long as my sandals don't make that flip flop sound and it's sweltering out my bosses have never complained about anyone wearing sandals. I just hope the guys in the office don't get the same idea and start wearing those funky strappy mandals into the office. 
I shudder thinking about it. 
So stay cool and hydrated out there and let me know if you'd like to coordinate a rain dance of some sort. 


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

One year Blog-aversary

Welp, ladies 'nd gents it's been exactly one year to the day and honestly I almost forgot all about it. In the past year I think I have improved in certain areas I still have more strides to make in the next coming year. I used to just think that it was so dang easy, it would all just come to me, and I would have at the very least one post a week. I have yet to accomplish a set schedule but through these bumps and trials I realize that it all doesn't matter. I have become increasingly happy as I go along and think that my inconsistencies are nothing to be ashamed of. I'm pretty sure there are plenty of other people out there with the same issue. But there is one thing that I am super proud of...staying with it for this long. And I hope to stay with it longer. I still have things I want to post and I feel like I want to get a little more personal with you all. I need to learn to be less shy and just be brave for once. Just to stop caring about being judged for what I write, and less ashamed of how I look. So I hope to include more pictures of my face for once and just get over being so picture shy.

For me, being shy about taking pictures is like me learning to swim. You see, I fell into the pool when I was young and had to be rescued which traumatized me. Top that with teenagers at the pool splashing water in my face while I tried to learn after that experience made it worse. To this day I still cannot swim with my face underwater but I can sure as heck dogie paddle. It took me 6 years of trying (yes, I'm that lame) to do so though. So these baby steps here on my blog are the equivalent of me floating in the shallow end thinking I could drown at any moment. But it's seriously time to take back my life and just be more confident. That Is what I will trying to do this whole next year on the blog. Hopefully if there is anyone out there who is like me I hope to serve as a small peice of inspiration and if you're on the same path I hope you share it with me and I can find inspiration from your journey as well. 

P.s. - I promise not to make my blog into some sappy "I want you to feel sorry for me" bull. I just feel this whole thing needs some more of me and my personality up in here. Oh, and maybe some gin cocktail recipes or cocktail recipes in general on here. Gotta live up to the name! 


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Face of the day - Rimmel edition

face of the day, rimmel, rimmel stay matte, scandaleyes retro, scandaleyes

Eeeekkk!!!! A picture of my face in a post?!! Yes, I have finally gathered enough courage to show my face in  post for once. I think it's about time to start being a bit more confident and less camera shy. What better way to start off than with a face of the day post? I decided to just mess around with my Rimmel makeup and found out I have a lot more of it than I previously thought. So I normally don't use all of one brand on my face all at once but thought that it would be cool to see how it really looks altogether. 

I used my holy HG primer, fix and protect in 002 which is better than the one that comes in the tan tube. I have had that one and it is tinted and it separates pretty bad. When I discovered that there was a colorless one I bought it and fell in love and use it religiously. I then used the Stay Matte Mouse in Soft Beige which seems not too pink or orange on me but was a smidgen lighter than I am. That's no problem because I then fixed the issue by dusting my jawline and high points with the Rimmel Natural bronzer in Sun Glow and blended it to make my face not look like a mask. The blush I used is a nice rose gold color from TIGI in the color Haute and doesn't look ridiculous when paired with bronzer and then swiped a little of my Illuminating Mineral Veil from Bare Minerals on top of my cheek bones. I think it gives such a pretty finish and makes my cheeks look babelicious. 

Lips are the matte Kate Moss Lipstick in 104 with a swipe of the Stay glossy lipgloss in Non Stop Glamour. The liner is the Rimmel gel liner and comes with its own little brush which I like to use no matter if im using the Rimmel liner or not. It is pretty dinky but I like the way it can get super close to my lash line. Then I finished my eye look with two coats of the Scandaleyes retro glam mascara. I lightly lined my water line with Rimmel's kohl liner in 007 pure white. I know it doesn't really show up but I think it gives me more of the wide eye awake look I go for everyday.  Even though I have pretty full brows I fill them in anyways because it just gives my look a polished feel. I use the Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Powder in Medium Brown and use my E.L.F. Studio angled brush to fill them in and all I have to do is follow my natural brow shape. 

face of the day, rimmel, rimmel stay matte, scandaleyes retro, scandaleyes

face of the day, rimmel, rimmel stay matte, scandaleyes retro, scandaleyes

I really don't think It looks half bad and I really had to pump up how much blush and brow powder I put on for it to translate well on camera. No wonder I always think it looks funny and I'm never satisfied when I take pictures though. And I also realize my nose will always have that funky sheen on it no matter what so I'll embrace it. 

Oh Gawd, but my hair is super disheveled and frizzy looking but then again doing my hair has been one of my greatest weak points from birth. I think my only hair talent is cutting my own bangs. Even my hairdresser says I'm one of the only people who comes to see her that can cut their own bangs right So...BOOM! There's my one talent. 

So there it is, my first face of the day post in all of its strange angled pose glory. I really gotta learn to figure out my best angels...and become more confident. 


Friday, May 2, 2014

Basics to bring to Generation Beauty (2014)

Photo taken from GenBeauty website
Alrighty, I've been pretty MIA for this entire month but to me, that's okay. I've gotten some things I've been wanting to do out of the way and I feel a little more like I've accomplished a lot of the things I've been wanting to do since forever. I thought I would feel guilty about not writing something at least once a week but I don't. I'll just consider it my spring break. 

But now that I'm aiming to get back on track I thought I would share that I just literally bought my Generation Beauty ticket for this year right now. So I thought it would be helpful to have a list of things to bring with you besides you and your ticket. Ans now that I've finally made the commitment to go it feels more real. I know I wrote how I didn't like the event last year but maybe that's because I was too shy about my blog not even being at least a year old and having only spam bots as visitors. Now that I have more confidence in myself as a blogger I think it will make all the difference which brings me to the first point of my list on what to bring to Generation Beauty 

1. Confidence 
No matter if your a small blogger starting out I think this is one key to getting the desired attention at any beauty convention. Own who you are and your blog "brand". Even if you see your blog as a buisness or not thinking if it as one will help when you want to make those personal connections. It's importatint to try to make those human connections in real life and honestly, where else do you get this opportunity to do so? So show up and be confident and be you. 

2. Buisness cards 
This second point stems from the first point and even though it may seem silly but really think about it. You're meeting so many new people, there's activities, and speeches. It will all seem like a whirlwind at the end and you met a nice blogger but oops...what was their blog called again? If you're going to invest your time making these connections you might as well be remembered. It doesn't have to be with buisness cards either. Exchange twitter handles, FB page, blog name and whatever you like right then and there on your phone. But keep in mind that phones may die so you might want to bring a pen and paper to write down your info. But I feel buisness cards are just so much more professional looking no matter what level your blog is at. If you're looking to connect with the brand reps at the booths business cards will definitely make you seem more organized than you may actually be. 

Yes, caps overkill. You will be taking a lot of pictures, participating in feeds at the event, texting, connecting with everyone online because it can get exciting and you just have to let everyone know what is going on like, right now. Then if you get dropped of at the event like I did last year you'll have to have enough battery at the end of the day telling your buddy where you are exactly or you're screwed. I lost battery and had to go back to the event to mooch wifi on my tablet reader to email my boyfriend where I was going to be and when. I will be looking into a battery backup system of some sort this year. 

4. Camera  
I really wish I had one last year because I was really trying to preserve my battery/memory (I hoard pictures on my phone) and doing both at the same time is exhausting. I'm not good at multi tasking. Multi tasking makes me angry. When I'm angry, Hulk SMASH! I bought myself a camera for blogging and personal use for Christmas so that will be going with me this year. It doesn't have to be anything fancy either, just a point and shoot is fine. Just remember to bring an extra set of batteries and maybe an extra memory card, especially if you're from out of town because you might get an urge to take pictures of your entire trip instead of just the event. 

5. Tablet or EReader 
They had Wifi at last year's event and they should definitely have it this year so bringing a tablet or eReader is like having icing on the cake. I personally found having my reader on me was useful so I could browse and respond to people on the live feed without having to drain my phone battery or waste my data  in one weekend. If you have a Tablet with a camera that comes in real handy as you can probably leave the camera at home and use your phone and tablet instead but if you have a reader without a camera like me that's why I put a camera on the list. I have the NOOK HD and have had it for a couple years that I use for well, reading web content and stuff. It came in handy for me last year so I will bring it with me this year too.

6. Cash  
You figure that its 2014 and some of these companies should have some way to take your debit/credit card especially if they are big names who can afford these transaction fees. But nope! The only Sponsor that I could find that took a card was Sexy Hair. The rest I wanted to buy from were cash. So when it came down to me choosing to spend the only $20 bill I had on me it came down to either buying a huge eyeshadow pallet from BH Cosmetics or some super discounted roller balls from Pacifica I had to go ahead and skip the roller balls because makeup always wins. So bring cash, and bring enough I would say at least $40 minimum. 

7. Reusable shopping bag 
Preferably one that folds into itself. The brands sponsors last year had some nice specials going on at the event and the fabric bag you get at the start of the event might just not be enough to hold everything comfortably. If you do some heavy hitting damage to your wallet plus all the items they give away the bag just gets too heavy on its own. I'm paranoid that it would end up breaking on me. So if you're a paranoid wierdo like me, bring an extra bag and if its fold able and easily hidden away because if you end up not getting much stuff then its not in your way. 

8. Comfortable shoes
I was an idiot last year by thinking I wouldn't do a lot of walking and standing but oh boy, was I wrong. I wore my brand new peep toe jelly shoes deciding to break them in. All I can say is that it was the worst idea ever. Walking around in hot jelly shoes rubbing against your heel is not fun at all. Wear cute shoes that have already been broken in and feel comfortable. 

I really don't think there is anything else that you would need for the day of the event other than these items. I really must stress the importance of just being prepared for meeting other bloggers. I think this list would be good for any convention at all really. The more you plan an outline of what you need the better your experience should be. I think even if you aren't much of a planner just having your basic supplies and an outline of what you think you want to do is a great start. I will try to get a mini series going here for places to go eat if you're coming from out of town and a crash course on how to take public transport. If you have any requests for the mini series let me know, I would be happy to try and help you out. 
